Monday, September 27, 2010

2 Weeks

Tomorrow will be 2 weeks that I've been here. Hard to believe it's already been that long. These 3 months are going to pass pretty quickly. Every day gets easier as I get more comfortable and confident in the process of things. The soreness is getting much better every time I sit in the saddle.
Karin's mother is leaving tomorrow for Kentucky and Karin should be competing by Thursday or Friday. She's leaving us food since we'll be on our own for dinner while she's gone. We plan to make a trip into town one of these days for pizza. We're all craving it pretty bad. Our staple foods here are bread, nutella, speculos for breakfast and lunch. For those who don't know, nutella is a chocolate spread and speculos has almost the same texture as peanut butter but tastes like graham crackers (it's really good). There are seven of us and we'll go through a tub of peanut butter, nutella and speculos in a day or two. At dinner Leah always serves soup first, which I love. Then potatoes, meat and some type of vegetable. So far everything is really good. I was worried because how picky I can be. But I haven't had any trouble eating everything so far.
We get one day off a week. Today is mine and I had planned to ride my bike into town but the weather is cold and rainy and I wasn't in the mood to get caught in a downpour.
So I've been sitting inside all day being as lazy as possible. Feeling guilty that I'm not braving the weather to explore the cute Belgian countryside but the thought of being soggy and freezing just keeps me away.

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